Week 9: March 2023, Week 1 - The Week Ahead Horoscope
Venus conjoins Jupiter in the fiery sign Aries this week, and Mercury conjoins Saturn at the last degree of Aquarius. Mercury enters Pisces and the Moon is void for 62 hours this week.
Weekly Graphic
Monday February 27th
[3:05 AM ET] The Moon in Gemini square the Sun at 08º27’ Pisces
[3:24 AM ET] The Moon in Gemini sextile Venus at 08º37’ Aries
[9:07 AM ET] The Moon in Gemini sextile Jupiter at 11º33’ Aries
[11:20 PM ET] The Moon conjoins Mars at 18º47’ Gemini
On Monday, the Moon will be moving through Gemini after ingressing on Sunday afternoon. This Moon in Gemini brings a close to 7 months of Mars traveling through this sign/house in your chart since this is the last Moon/Mars conjunction in Gemini. The Moon is still waxing in light as her first aspect is a square to the Sun in Pisces. The Moon gets hotter and dryer in its nature after it squares the Sun, and today is a day of contention since a square between the luminaries shows conflict of our will/actions and circumstances. The Moon in Gemini shows wavering of the mind, lots of conversation, debates, dialogue, and arguments. As the Moon gains more light, she shows more confidence, action, and urgency that is brought to this sign. This confidence is paired with the flames of both Venus and Jupiter in Aries early in the morning as the Moon makes friendship with these planets. These Aries planets will be in the 11th sign from the Moon which promises friendship, alliance, and affirmation of one’s thoughts and ideas. This is a pretty brief benefic enclosure which helps calm and soothe the mind, but provides energy and vitality for the start of the week. The Moon will be moving towards a bodily conjunction to Mars the entire day, which is known as a conjunction of gossip, indicating whispers, slanders, arguments, and harsh language. Mars is a planet who brings conflict, division, and aggression. Mars conjoining the Moon can indicate physical harm, injury, and illness too, specifically with the lungs and the respiratory system. Beware of injury, escalating tensions, and harmful words that are exchanged today. Expect sudden disruptions, unexpected changes in plans, and unexpected outbursts. On a positive note, this conjunction will bring more energy, activity, and vitality to be more impulsive, swift, and decisive.
Tuesday February 28th
[2:27 PM ET] The Moon in Gemini trine Mercury at 26º23’ Aquarius
[8:07 PM ET] The Moon in Gemini trine Saturn at 29º13’ Aquarius
[9:40 PM ET] INGRESS: The Moon enters Cancer
On Tuesday, the Moon in Gemini will separate from a conjunction to Mars. That conjunction brought irritation, agitation, and aggression which will separate as the Moon moves away from Mars. Any conflict we were dealing with will start to calm down and become less loud. The Moon will separate from Mars and make a trine to its domicile lord, Mercury in Aquarius. This trine is an exciting one for the week since the Moon in Gemini can make one more inclined towards scholarship, writing, speaking, sharing information, and news. An aspect from Mercury in the overcoming trine gives Mercury the ability to share knowledge, memory, it gives eloquence with writing. If there is a time you need to send important information, documents, and data with other people, this time is a great time to do it. If you need to get writing done, this is also a good time to do this as well too. If you’re looking to find a teacher, to learn, and absorb information this is also a good time for that as well too. This part of the Moon in Gemini transit highlights the growing conjunction between Mercury and Saturn that goes exact later this week. Mercury in Saturn’s domicile gives more rigidity in thinking, firmness in ideas, rigor in thought, and exactness. Mercury can experience more limitations, rules, and restrictions with speaking, translating, and with our words. During this time the Moon will be enclosed between the malefic planets, separating from a conjunction to Mars and then leaving the enclosure as it makes a trine to Saturn. Sometimes when I see Mercury and Saturn together, it can indicate forgery, plagiarism, and stealing others words/ideas. Keep this in mind as the Moon is in this malefic enclosure. The Moon will make a trine to Saturn after the trine to Mercury, which gives us revelation over hidden things, secret knowledge, wisdom from elders, learning from the past, history, and about traditions. Whereas Mars riled us up and made us more impulsive, Saturn’s influence slows us down, makes us more serious and restrained in expression.
After the Moon makes a trine to Saturn, it will enter Cancer where it will be for the rest of the day. The Moon entering its domicile offers some much needed relaxation, relief, and rest after the Moon in the malefic enclosure can cause our mind to waver because of vengeful, malicious, and harmful thoughts. The Moon enters Cancer offers some relief as she swims through her home sign. The Moon will not connect with any more planets for the rest of the day, but will be applying to a trine with the Sun in Pisces. That will go exact tomorrow.
Wednesday March 1st
[8:10 PM ET] The Moon in Cancer trine the Sun at 11º10’ Pisces
[9:49 PM ET] The Moon in Cancer square Venus at 12º00’ Aries
[10:04 PM ET] The Moon in Cancer square Jupiter at 12º07’ Aries
[10:03 PM ET] VOID MOON: Moon enters Void, 62hr 53minutes
On Wednesday, the Moon will continue to move through the zodiac sign Cancer, which makes matters of family, comfort, home, rest, and relaxing important for the next few days. The Moon makes a trine to the Sun as she is gaining light, which marks the Waxing Gibbous Moon. The Moon trine the Sun offers recognition, affirmation, acknowledgement, honors, and is a day where our actions and circumstances are in agreement with each other. The Moon and the Sun will both be in water signs, which offers more wisdom and spiritual insight since Pisces is ruled by Jupiter. The Sun being in the 9th house from the Moon offers revelations, insights, learning, and wisdom that expands the mind and our perspective.
The Moon will then make a square both Venus and Jupiter in Aries. The Moon making a square to Venus can help out Venus out of the challenging position she is in while she transits through Aries. Venus in Aries can show quickness and difficulties in sustaining relationships/friendships, sometimes selfishness & lack of mutual reciprocation of love, and violence in relationships. However, the Moon in Cancer offers more compassion, intimacy, and trust as she makes a square to Venus. We may feel inflamed and lots of irritation in relationships, but the Moon acts as a balm, to soothe the ache that frustrates Venus. The Moon’s nourishing waters of intimacy, life, emotion, and reflection offer for healing old wounds in the house Aries/Cancer rule in your chart. The Moon squaring Venus can have us feel physically unbalanced, but then feeling more relax after the transit passes.
The Moon will then receive an overcoming square from Jupiter in Aries, which promises liberation, relief from burdens, removal of restrictions, assistance, and success. The Moon highlights the Venus/Jupiter conjunction that goes exact on Thursday, so we may feel some of the effects of that conjunction earlier. The Cardinal activation really gives a lot of energy, quickness, and urgency to the events that take place today. Swiftness and initiative are two defining words of cardinality. Venus and Jupiter together talk about awards, honors, achievement, liberation, freedom, justice, law, and harmony. Venus is currently exiled, which can represent the casting out of justice, lack of harmony, issues with compromise due to selfishness, and disappointments with diplomacy. However, a conjunction to Jupiter can help liberate Venus free, find support, and affirmation. The two benefics coming together is typically a good omen, where the two planets who want to bring moderation, ease, and temperate work together. In Aries, they give quick new beginnings and projects that initiate. Venus can talk about creative and artistic projects that are launched and elevated by Jupiter. Benefic goodness comes our way on Wednesday.
Now, after the Moon makes square to Jupiter it will separate and not connect with any planets afterwards. The Moon will be void for the next 62 hours once it separates from Jupiter. This is known as the Hellenistic Void Of Course Moon and its defined as the Moon being void if it does not connect with another planet for more than 30º. In this case, the Moon will be void for 30º34’ from 12º07’ Cancer to 12º42’ Leo. When the Moon is void of course, it quite literally means it will not connect with any planets. This is important because the Moon shows the flow of events that happen as she translates the heavenly omens into earthly events. If she is void, she isn’t translating anything and nothing is happening. This is typically not a time you want to start any projects, do anything meaningful, or progress forward with things. It is quite literally signified as a break where the Moon does nothing. Things that are started will not be finished or have momentum to begin. Void Moons are good for rest and relaxing. Over the next 2+ days, the Moon will be void, so this energy is being carried forward further into the week.
Thursday March 2nd
(12:35 AM ET) Venus conjoins Jupiter at 12º08’ Aries
(9:34 AM ET) Mercury conjoins Saturn at 29º24’ Aquarius
[5:51 PM ET] INGRESS: Mercury enters Pisces
On Thursday, the Moon is void and currently resting in the sky all the other planets are quite active. Both Venus and Jupiter make their official conjunction on Thursday, Jupiter’s day. Venus making a conjunction to Jupiter enflames passions, matters of justice, peace, fairness, and diplomacy become important with the two benefics. Like we talked about earlier, Venus is not in the best of conditions here, but experiences some liberation, friendship, and alliance from Jupiter. Venus can show failures and disappointments with diplomacy, selfishness, lack of justice. Protests and loudness over frustration with justice, what is moral, and ethic are displayed as the Aries energy of this conjunction brings more swiftness, urgency, and hype that can get out of control and ablaze if not controlled. Jupiter can magnify the inflammation that Venus is currently experiencing. I’m excited for this conjunction because it is the benefics, but again I’m ambivalent about how this Exiled Venus will manifest. I’m interested to here your stories about what happens in the part of your life (house) Aries rules in your chart
There is a more explosive element of this Venus/Jupiter conjunction that contrasts very much with the other aspect we have taking place today. Mercury will make a conjunction to Saturn. Now this conjunction will be building all week, as we discussed when the Moon was in Gemini, but that goes exact today. Mercury making a conjunction to Saturn inhibits, restricts, and makes the things Mercury has to say more serious, grave, mean-spirited, and constricted. Saturn brings up the things Mercury has to say, censors Mercury, puts a restriction or limit on what can be talked about. Mercury is the messenger, the scribe, and with Saturn it can make speech lengthy. Whether it means the things you’re reading, writing, or speaking. Saturn prolongs the thought and turns it into a monologue with Mercury. Both Saturn and Mercury are at 29º in Aquarius, in Saturn’s bound, so it shows the corruption, ending, changing of the rules, written things, laws, and shifting ideas. If Saturn in Aquarius shows the firming of beliefs, ideas, and the air element, the transition of both Mercury and Saturn into a mutable signs show the inconsistencies, instability, and changeable nature of these planets. Mercury and Saturn can show corruption of files, information, and loss of information because Saturn can make things inaccessible, obscure, or hidden. What becomes important in informing this transit is Mercury then enters Pisces later today where it enters the sign of its Exile and Depression. Mercury experiences more debilitation in this sign than Sagittarius. Mercury’s depression in Pisces is mild but should not be ignored. Mercury does excel in divination, poetry, and is wise in this sign, but does poorly with data, information, concrete details and exact information. Details become vague and less tethered to reality. When Mercury is in a challenging position, it can indicate errors in translation, miscommunications, misunderstandings, and issues with transmission. Mercury goes from having dignity in Triplicity in Aquarius, caring about exactness and details to having none of those when it enters Pisces. What happens when your files disappear? What happens when your information is gone. Mercury in Pisces makes these things more challenging. This change will show more issues with technology as well too since Mercury governs over these things. Mercury will be here throughout the beginning of March and it will conjoin the Sun here, which marks an important new cycle and start that Mercury has in this house. More emphasis is brought to the sign Pisces rules in your chart after this ingress. Matters related to communication, information, and data will cause issues in the house Pisces rules. Saturn will show more long term challenges that will take place in this house in your chart. Saturn can show things slowing down, new restrictions, limitations, and barriers that are encountered in this house (perhaps related to the Fall of Mercury here, and issues with communication, messages, and information). The transition from Mercury being in a more rigid, exact, and defined sign like Aquarius to Pisces who is more changeable, inconsistent, and variable since it is a mutable sign is stark.
Friday March 3rd
[10:15 AM ET] INGRESS: The Moon enters Leo
On Friday, the Moon will continue to move through the void in Cancer. The Moon is relaxing, resting, and continuing to not do any work as she changes signs and enters Leo. It’s interesting too because the Moon becomes ruled by the Sun in Pisces, who cannot witness the Moon. So there can be a lot of ambiguity, confusion, and things are unclear as the Moon cannot witness its domicile lord while being void for another 24 hours after it ingresses. Nothing is really happening today. When the Moon is void, things that are started will not be brought to a completion. Take it easy for today, chill, enjoy your Friday! The Moon always talks about relaxing, so RELAX! Make time for it.
Saturday March 4th
[11:56 AM ET] VOID MOON: Moon leaves Void of Course
[11:56 AM ET] The Moon in Leo trine Jupiter at 12º42’ Aries
[5:27 PM ET] The Moon in Leo trine Venus at 15º26’ Aries
Over this weekend, the Void Moon will come to an end as we go into Saturday since the Moon will make a trine to Jupiter and Venus in Aries. The last aspect the Moon made before it went void was to the benefic planets, by a square, and this trine is very supportive as well too. You could technically call this a benefic enclosure since the previous aspect made was to benefics, and the next to benefics. Either way, this is really nice energy for the weekend. The Moon will be moving between the aspect of Venus and Jupiter throughout most of Saturday. There is an abundance of fire energy that is brought in through this Moon and it brings more action, energy, vitality, luminance, and friction in the air. The Moon trining Jupiter is great for learning, forming alliances, friendships, taking oaths, making commitments, and being faithful, while the trine to Venus is great for creative and artist matters. The benefics lend their friendship to the Moon on Saturday. This is great for wanting to be seen, spotlight, attention, affirmation, and having fun. Enjoy the weekend!
Sunday March 5th
[4:26 AM ET] The Moon in Leo sextile Mars at 20º54’ Gemini
[10:18 PM ET] The Moon in Leo opposes Saturn at 29º49’ Aquarius
[10:38 PM ET] INGRESS: The Moon enters Virgo
As we go into Sunday, the Moon will be having a very different experience of Leo since it will encounter both of the malefics on this day. The Moon makes a sextile to Mars early in the morning which introduces situations that strike anger, inflame, agitate and irritate us. A sextile to Mars in Gemini shows anger, swiftness, energy, action, and alertness. The Moon will then be enclosed between the malefics, representing the body, it shows issues with vitality, harm to the body, accidents, injury, and illness. The Moon will be moving towards an opposition to Saturn throughout the entire day, and this will be the last aspect the Moon makes to Saturn before Saturn enters Pisces. Say goodbye while you can! The Moon opposing Saturn shows the ending of restrictions, hardships, and challenges Saturn brought to the house Leo and Aquarius rule in your chart over the past 3 years. The Moon opposing Saturn can show exhaustion, fatigue, inability to act, sluggishness, and physical weighed down. Saturn makes us more serious and is the source of our stress in the opposition aspect. The energy will lighten and begin to life as the Moon enters Virgo, however the Moon is in the sign she will be Full in by this time. The Moon shows a major climax and culmination that is brought into the sign Virgo rules in your chart over the next week. This is the last full week of Saturn in Aquarius. Today might feel more frustrating, cranky, difficult, slow, and energetically draining. The malefics indicate there is a lot of stress on our bodies for the day, so take it easy.
If you’re interesting in examining how the major shifts in the astro-weather will effect your chart in the coming weeks/months/years. Consider booking a forecasting consultation with me so we can explore your personal timing together. Saturn entering Pisces brings a whole new 3 year chapter in the house Pisces rules in your chart and I’d love to talk about it with you. For those who are next up for their Saturn Return, I am also offering Saturn return sessions!
You are an invaluable resource for our community. You are appreciated and doing so much good with how thoroughly you brief us <3 Literally, you are keeping me honest. xo, A.
Thank you. I’m still learning.